Join TRF
To join the Devon TRF community first you need to join the TRF. By joining the TRF you will immediately benefit from a number of discounts offered by the TRF on membership to organisations and equipment. See the TRF Trail webpage. Not only that, but you will be able to tap into the extensive knowledge and network of over 8000 like minded bikers via the local and national forum. You will also have free access to our Green Road Map from the Trail Riders Fellowship, which provides maps and details for a large part of the green road network of England and Wales.
Once you have a membership number you can simply log on to the Devon Forum and request access via Doug Piper. The forum is our main access point for networking and downloading vital information regarding our extensive green road network including our overlays which can be sent to you via email from John Leah and can be viewed on smart phones and computers and form an essential part of planning your days out. They offer up to date information on issues and status of our lanes that change season by season. The forum also offers access to buying and selling trail riding related kit, advice of mapping, general bike-related chit chat and an archive of rideouts and newsletters.